
By taking irelia, our team will have a lot of ad damage, which means we need to have people who can compensate for that ad damage by taking ap champions. The best thing to do would be to have one or two people who can tank damage with me, as well as a character who can inflict large amounts of magic damage when the enemy composition tanks ad, like rammus or malphite.
Play the early
For this strategy I need as many voidgrubs as possible. It’s therefore necessary to play a mid-top jungle composition that allows this objective to be achieved quickly and without worrying about being challenged by opponents. So be sure to keep your CDs up as the objective approaches, as well as your mana and hp, of course.

Split push
I’m going to split push enormously in the game which will often force you to play dragons in numerical inferiority but the main objective of this is that you absorb a maximum of pressure allowing me to accelerate the game by breaking turrets very quickly with hullbreaker. So you need to make this dance around the dragon last as long as possible, and prevent enemy me I’ve won a lot of games this way because people don’t expect me to attack their base this way.
Don’t die and farm
It may be obvious to tell you this but don’t die in the lane phase, that’s the most important thing. If you die you’ll just give gold to our opponents so don’t hesitate to recall even if you lose gold and xp. To catch up on your opponent you just have to focus on the last hit of the minions

Win lp
if you follow what I’ve said so far, it’s strictly impossible for us to lose games, and like me, you’ll just wonder what it would be like to lose a lp on league of legend, because this game is actually very simple when you have a game plan.